Brighton & Hove City Council
3.00pm20 July 2023
Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall
Present: Councillors O'Quinn (Chair), Atkinson, Bagaeen, Davis, Evans, Fishleigh, Fowler, Grimshaw, Hamilton, Meadows, McNair, Robins, Sankey, Shanks, C Theobald, West, Wilkinson, Williams, Alexander, Allen, Asaduzzaman, Baghoth, Burden, Cattell, Czolak, Daniel, Earthey, Gajjar, Galvin, Goddard, Goldsmith, Helliwell, Hewitt, Hill, Hogan, Loughran, Lyons, McGregor, McLeay, Miller, Mistry, Muten, Nann, Oliveira, Pickett, Pumm, Robinson, Rowkins, Sheard, Simon, Stevens, Taylor, Thomson and Winder
12 Declarations of Interest
12.1 There were no declarations of interest.
13 Mayor's Communications.
13.1 There was no Mayor’s Communication.
14 Appointment of Honorary Aldermen and Alderwomen
14.1 The Mayor advised that this item of business related to the proposed appointment of previous councillors as Honorary Aldermen and Alderwoman of the City of Brighton & Hove. The appointment was made in recognition of the service given by those past councillors to the Council, the wards they represented and the city.
The Mayor proposed that the following councillors be appointed
Mary Mears
Dawn Barnett
Tony Janio
Leo Littman
Phelim Mac Cafferty
Alex Phillips
Dee Simson
Vanessa Brown
Lizzie Deane
14.2 Cllr Sankey, Leader of the Council formally seconded the motion.
Cllr Shanks Deputy Convenor of the Green Group seconded the motion.
Cllr McNair Leader of the Conservative Group seconded the motion.
14.3 The Mayor and Councillors from all parties thanked those who were receiving their awards for their service to the public and the Council.
14.4 RESOLVED: That the Motion to appoint those named as Aldermen and Alderwomen be agreed.
15 Close of Meeting
15.1 The Mayor closed the meeting.
The meeting concluded at 3.25pm
Chair |
Dated this |
day of
2022 |